The original animated series Star Trek: Prodigy will make its weekly debut on Nickelodeon on Friday, July 8 at 8:00 p.m. (ET/PT), and follows regular kids as they encounter exceptional situations. The Diviner and his daughter Gwyn have other ideas, so Dal must assemble an odd crew for their newly discovered ship if they want to leave Tars Lamora in the one-hour premiere, “Lost & Found.” Through August 5, Nickelodeon will continue to air new episodes on Fridays.
“Generations of fans around the globe love Star Trek, and we’re so excited to introduce our young audience to the franchise when Star Trek: Prodigy airs on Nickelodeon this Summer,” said Claudia Spinelli, Senior Vice President, Big Kids Animation, Nickelodeon. “The Nick DNA is woven into the heartwarming friendships, high-stakes action, and beautiful animation, making this series a perfect fit in our content library.”
A group of unruly teenagers are followed in Star Trek: Prodigy as they use a wrecked Starfleet ship to search for adventure, significance, and salvation. A first in the Star Trek franchise, the teens have no knowledge of the ship they have taken over, but through their joint adventures, they will each learn about Starfleet and the principles it stands for.
Following its linear premiere, Star Trek: Prodigy will have episodes available on, the Nick App, and Nick On Demand. Additionally, Nicktoons will air encores of the episodes. New episodes of Star Trek: Prodigy will be added to the service later this year, and it is also possible to stream them on Paramount+.
The series is produced by CBS Studios’ Eye Animation Productions, Rod Roddenberry Entertainment, and Nickelodeon Animation under the direction of President of Animation Ramsey Naito along with co-showrunners Kevin and Dan Hageman (Trollhunters and Ninjago) and Ben Hibon (Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1). Hibon also directs and serves as executive producer and the creative lead of the animated series. Other executive producers include Alex Kurtzman, Heather Kadin, Aaron Baiers, Katie Krentz, Rod Roddenberry, and Trevor Roth.